Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Danger's Blessing

We blessed Danger on Sunday, August 4, 2013 in our Pocatello 52nd Ward. He looked so cute in his little suit that my parents found for him! I whipped up some matching bow ties for him and Anton. Anton did a wonderful job and we had lots of family and friends. It was a nice day. Here's a few photos.


Megan Heiner said...

Syd, you do such an amazing job with pictures, and bow ties ;) !! I love these pictures of Danger!


Hill Fam said...

He's positively beautiful! You are so artistic! I love the pictures and the ties.

Erica Bazil said...

Oh my heck, what a little hunk! He's dangerously cute! :) Ha Ha What a fun name. We love brown eyed babies. Rosie has brown eyes and we keep wondering where they came from - no one in our families have them. Congratulations on your little guy - we are truly so very happy for you guys!!!